Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sikhism-At A Glance

Sikhism is one of the world's less known religion,so i have today decided to write about in my blog some Basics of This Religion:

THE BEGINING: Sikhism was founded back in 16th century by a Saint from Punjab, Baba Guru Nanak(Ji),born at Nankana Sahib(Now Pakistan)so Sikhism was born at Punjab and still Punjab is the basic center of Sikhism

Basic Beliefs:Here are some Principle beliefs of Sikhism:

ONE God: Sikhism believes on one Supreme Deity -called  Waheguru(means The Wonderful Lord)Sikhs believe in Waheguru being the supreme creature,and is referred to as AKALPURAKH(The ever immortal being).

THE TEN Gurus:Sikhs follow Guru Nanak Ji and the 9 successive Gurus after him till Guru Gobind Singh Jee(The Tenth and last "Physical" Guru of the Sikhs).Guru Nanak founded Sikhism and before end of his life he appointed the next Guru to carry on the newly formed Religion,this process continued until Guru Gobind Singh the last Guru.S(Guru means Spiritual leader) Sikhs believe Guru Nanak 's soul merged into next Guru.In other words all nine Gurus after Guru Nanak are actually "HIS SOUL IN DIFFERENT BODIES"

The Holy Scripture: After Guru Gobind Singh declared himself the final physical Guru of Sikhism,he ordered all Sikhs to follow the Holy Scripture Guru Granth Sahib after him,and Guru Granth Sahib to be every Sikh's Guide ever after.Guru Granth Sahib contains writings of all ten Gurus and was Compiled by Guru Gobind Singh

A Diverse Scripture: Besides Teachings and writings of Sikh Gurus it also contains some poetry and Slokas from Muslim Sufis ,Baba Ghulam Farid and Hindu Bhagats like Bhagat Namdev,philosophy of which were similar to Sikhism.This fact makes it a Unique Religious Scripture

Equality of Mankind: Sikhism preaches equality of mankind,and peace,Sikhs are ordered to respect every religon,and have no discrimination against anyone.

Sikhism considers Women equal,and gives it Rights,A women can lead A Sikh Religious proceeding,is allowed to enter The Gurdwara,even lead an Army.

THE GURDWARA: It is the place of worship for Sikhs,Gurdwaras may be historical(built in the memory of events related with Gurus)or Community Gurdwaras. They also act as community center for the Sikhs, taking important desicions,rasing funds for poor etc.it contains Guru Granth Sahib installed in it

 No Idol Worship:Sikhism prohibits Idol Worship,worshiping stones,fire,animals,objects of nature etc

Baptism:Baptism in Sikhism was Initiated by last Sikh Guru Guru Gobind Singh,It is a ceremony in which non-baptized Sikh undertakes Amrit(sweet water)pledges not to cut and shave Head and facial hair,and wears the five Kakars

Five Kakars: They Include:

Kachhera, Undergarment Kachhera is a loose undergarment worn by Sikhs and is one of 5 K's, or articles of faith known in Sikhism as kakar. The kachhera is designed for ease of movement while maintaining modesty, whether sitting cross-legged for worship, participating in seva, or engaging in martial arts. Historically, the kachhera worn by Sikh warriors allowed for agility in battle or horseback.



Kanga, Wooden Comb The Kanga is a wooden comb and is one of 5 K's, or articles of faith known in Sikhism as kakar. It comes in a variety of sizes. Some have short fine teeth and others long wide teeth. Sikhs do not cut their hair. In the days before shampoo, Sikhs cleansed their hair using water and oil. The traditional practice of using oil to continues in modern times and helps prevent snarling of the tresses and nourishes the scalp. A large kanga removes tangles easily. A small fine toothed kanga is useful for cleaning and maintaining healthy hair free of dandruff and parasites. Sikhs comb their hair in the morning before tying a turban, and generally at the end of the day, before sleeping.



Kara, Bangle A kara is an iron or steel ring worn on the wrist of the right arm and is one of 5 K's, or articles of faith known in Sikhism as kakar. Traditionally a kara served as a protective wrist guard during battle when fighting with swords. The kara also serves as a visible reminder of the bond between the Sikh and Guru.



Kes, Uncut Hair Kes means hair and refers to the hair growing from the scalp and is one of 5 K's, or articles of faith known in Sikhism as kakar. For the initiated Sikh, kes includes all facial and body hair. Kes is to be kept completely intact. This means that a Sikh never cuts, removes, or alters any hair or the head face or body. Hair grows to a particular length depending on the genetic code of an individual. Sikhs honor this physical process as the intent of the creator. Many Sikhs testify that kes has a spiritual significance during meditation and worship and wear a short turban known as a keski to protect the kes as part of their kakar.



Kirpan, Ceremonial Short Sword: A kirpan is a ceremonial short sword worn by an initiated Sikh and is one of 5 K's, or articles of faith known in Sikhism as kakar. The kirpan represents the ideal of the Sikh warrior to defend the weak from tyranny, injustice, and forced conversion. Historically the kirpan would have been a weapon used in battle. The significance of the kirpan extends to a personal battle fought with ego and is a reminder to be vigilant against the rise of anger, attachment, greed, lust, and pride. A kirpan is touched to prashad, and to langar, before either are consumed, to bless and symbolically impart the strength steel of steel to worshipers.


Langar: Sikhs and pepole from other religions/communities sit together(at a gurdwara)to eat,signifying equality of humainty,this is called Langar,some Sikhs serve the people,this is called Sewa-Selfless service,The cycle of Seva And Langar continues in a Gurdwara

The Five Evils:Sikhism considers lust,ego,anger,desire,arrogance the five evil Sikh should not have these

THE KHALSA Panth:The tenth Sikh Guru formed the Khalsa Panth, A Sikh Nation,that Sikhs everywhere are equal and United,thus practically denouncing caste system. Male Sikhs Adopt Surname SINGH(MEANS LION)and Females adopt Kaur(Lioness)as Surnames

False Rituals and Superstitions: Sikhism asks its followers not to indulge in false rituals,ominous, non ominous etc!and have firm believe in God

Life after death: According to Sikhism Body is mortal,soul is not,Soul doesn't merely has to achieve heaven or hell but has to merge into The Lord.for this purpose it will go through cycles,change forms from one to another untill it is Pure enough to merge with God,as water mingles with Water.Sikhism Thus believes in REINCARNATION

FESTIVALS: Major Sikh festivals are:

Baisaakhi: This day marks birthday of Khalsa Panth-A day to celebrate(MID APRIL)

Gurpurabs:  Events Related to Guru's Life(birth,martyrdom etc)Birthday of Guru Nanak Ji is celebrated in November

Daswant:  Sikhs are ordered to give tenth part of their income as Charity,to anyone needy,Besides Financial help Sikhism asks its followers to help and protect the poor,irrespective of cast,creed,nation or Religion

Other Scriptures: Apart from Guru Granth Sahib,there are some other scriptures necessary for a Sikh to follow,they are Dasam Granth Sahib(Book including Writings by the tenth Guru Gobind Singh)and Adi Granth-The complication of Writings of Sikh Gurus until the time of  fifth Guru Arjun Dev

Selected Verses from Sikh Scriptures:  "One Universal Creator God. The Name Is Truth. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying, Beyond Birth, Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace"

2. " Some call the Lord 'Ram, Ram', and some 'Khuda'., Some serve Him as 'Gusain', others as 'Allah'.

He is the Cause of causes, and Generous.,He showers His Grace and Mercy upon us. "

First God created the Light; by His power he created all people equal.”

4.  From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married.  Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come.  When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound.  So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.  From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.

5. Do not utter even a single harsh word; your True Lord and Master abides in all.
Do not break anyone's heart; these are all priceless jewels. (129)
The minds of all are like precious jewels; to harm them is not good at all.
If you desire your Beloved, then do not break anyone`s heart. (130)(Baba Fareed Ji-Guru Granth Sahib)

6: Allah of Muslims and Abhekh (Guiseless) of Hindus are the same, the Puranas of Hindus and the holy Quran of the Muslim depict the same reality; all have been
created in the image of the same Lord and have the same formation.(Guru Gobind Singh)

Sacrifices: Sikhism evolved at a time,when two major religions were already established,Hinduism and Islam, Gurus have to sacrifice a lot for conveying their message, Tenth Guru Guru Gobind Singh Sacrificed himself and all his four Sons against the tyrant Mughal Ruler Aurangzeb(Who wanted to crush Sikhism,as a threat to his Kingdom), 

 Fifth Guru Guru Arjun Dev was martyred by Mughal Emperor  Jahangeer at Lahore,when he refused to convert and leave his faith


Sikhism is World's Youngest Religon,only 500 years old. it has almost 28 million Followers around the World being the fifth largest religon of the world.

Saturday 17 March 2012


"My Dad Doesnt understand me",My Mom doesnt trust me",THE words may differ but not the state of mind,teens have today!

Generation Gap,A term coined in the west,and a few years back we the Asians were not familiar with it and stood proud of our family systems!but now the unwanted social phenomena is more prevalent in Asia

 As a teenager myself i have found following facts to be responsible:

Every parent in the world strives for giving his kids the best!but in urge to do so they probably don't manage time for their kids,

I've always believed that greed not money is the real evil! Aristotle very rightly called humans social animals.as humans and specially teens can tolerate anything but not being constantly ignored.!

 I believe this generation gap is one of the leading causes of the recent burst of social networking amongst the youth,creating a more theirs and self centered virtual world,compensating for real life relationships!

"What to do?simple,i say give time a teen today loves his iPhone apps for then not so theirs relationships because it is available for him anytime!

 It may look stupid to waste your time in watching your son's YouTube rap video or seeing a not a so good science project of your kid.but do it!participate in their world!

Parents live their future through kids and see their ambitions,aspirations in the kid's life!there's nothing wrong with it(iam 17 and already fantasize about doing so!)but make sure your dreams boost your kids ambitions,and don't bulldoze them!!do not make your kid's life a corporate investment!! Remember love begets love!hope the unseen divide is bridged soon!!