Monday 25 March 2013

Socially Yours!!

Holy Heavens Bless the men behind the idea of Social Networking,you can do anything,and stupidity does not cost money does it!

From "Wow its raining in January"to
"I do not want to live"!! You can utter practically anything here and even be liked for it!

If you can swallow it(which folks like me and you are doing since the facebooking era) there's more:

You need a friend and so you can find and chat anybody accross those seven continents!You found one? She 's adorable, liked a few "awesome"pics, commented like the the greatest thinker,and what next??

You are into a whole-hearted chat blessing the makers of this whole-thing" and deep-down feeling manly satisfaction in your "abilities" to connect- The Dream Goes On!!

My dear lonely friend, before you start thinking of ways to convice your parents... Wait here 's the other side!

Far away from you on the other end there too is a chair, a monitor, a keyboard with fingers chatting on with you..And a person with the same system of Harmones as You!!!

Sorry for interfering with your lovely dreams, but this thing has become a common pass-time for some usually in our part of the world-The Subcontinent.Altough I do not get what exactly they benefit from this whole thing,but it is Happening!

So before your Angelina turns an" "angel",Devika" transforms into "Dev",or "Allia " suddenly is "Ali"

Be Careful, but not to worry, switch off the computer, try a real life relationship.

Optional: You can also curse the makers of Sometimes Unsocial, Social Media and the chatting thing!.

Good Luck!

© Kapil Singh.

1 comment:

  1. Its a good piece of writing... you can improve more though... goodluck
